
Veneers are used for aesthetic purposes and are designed to enhance the appearance of a person’s smile. A veneer is a less-invasive alternative to a crown in order to cover a discolored or damaged tooth. We remove a small amount of the outside of the tooth (the enamel) and replace it with a porcelain veneer that is created by a dental laboratory to fit the tooth.


How much does a porcelain veneer cost?

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Most offices in Utah charge between $800-$1,800 for each porcelain veneer. Call our office to set up an appointment to discuss your individualized treatment plan and associated fees.

Is there a more affordable veneer option to make my smile look better?

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A less costly option is a composite veneer. They are about half the price of a porcelain veneer. Composite veneers are done by placing a white composite material on the front of your teeth and having one of our dentists shape the material to the desired effect.

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